All i m trying to say is the education should add value to our lives, transform us inside, be of any use to the society at large. That’s all.
Many have gone through the same education system of merit rating with mere marks, that tests memory and reproduction and not the application of the concepts absorbed, which should be the very purpose of the test if at all needed. Few of the lot manage to learn and absorb the concept but many miss the concept ONLY because the test wont check absorption of concept but only the reproduction of the words.
There appears to be a loop hole in that system, People could earn a degree merely by memorizing something and reproducing that in a paper, not to be applied till the end of the world. There's a system lapse and that need to be fixed. That' all. Well, that cannot be called as education. It can fetch a government job, one can rub a seat with butts for a lifetime and suck the money of exchequer. No utility of such scrap degree to that person or to the society / world at large.
And the remedy for fixing this system lapse, to seal this loophole is so simple. Merely by changing the merit rating examination system from memorizing and recalling to test the ability to apply the concepts absorbed. Let us not dilute the passing criterion. By doing this, the whole memorizing lot will go back and learn the concept, which will add value to them and to the society. It is that simple.
Besides such knowledge, our education system should show what is good and what is ugly to the children as
@Goodie rightly pointed out. Morality shapes the children and differentiates from animals.
My submission with humility is to stop this mockery of printing all these fancy degree names which are useless and fake it as education. Let the standards be ruthless, not compromised for whatever sake so that only and only the skilled and transformed get certified and not those who can just recall.